Do unicorns eat gold?

No, they eat gems, such as rubys and sapphires and emeralds.

How do we know so much about unicorns?

Well, we are the secret keepers, and forever friends of unicorns, when they choose to show themselves, which means we recieve thoughts, whispers in our ears, from unicorns, which share facts with us telling us, how they live, and other things, such as they fart rainbows, etc. If you follow unicorns long enough, they will talk to anyone that do so, and are trustworthy enough.

Can unicorns fly with their magic?

Yes but No, they can hover for a few minutes however they prefer to teleport, and even the most powerful unicorns can fly for no longer than 45 minutes. Flying is more of an exercise than a mode of transport.


Are unicorns the most awesomest animals ever?


Can I join?

Yeah! Join the unicorns today and spread the love of them!

Have we seen a unicorn?

Well, sort of, we haven't physically seen one, but they do talk to us. They trust us.

Are unicorns the only mythical creature that exists?

No, there are also phoenixes, which are birds that are eternal, they die by bursting into flames, however, a baby is born from the ashes, another fact is that they can fly through fire without being hurt.